Case Case
3D inspection of car seats
Release time:2024-04-25 Views:84
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        China's automobile industry has developed rapidly in recent years and will continue to develop steadily in the future. As an important part of automobiles, automobile seats have a large demand for seats. Therefore, the passenger car seat industry still has huge room for development in the future. A well-known manufacturer needs to conduct 3D scanning of seats.

Product physical picture

Facing problems

        Product quality inspection requires high measurement accuracy. The workpiece has a black and dark surface, the overall contour is complex, and there are many arc surfaces and angles. The traditional measurement method cannot accurately and comprehensively measure the three-dimensional data of the surface, and it lacks the ability to detect complex contours and small dead corners. Effective measurement solutions.

Scan site map


        Based on the problems faced, HOLON3D engineers used the handheld 3D scanner Model 41. The scanning system has strong adaptability to ambient light and workpiece surface sensitivity. There is no need to spray color difference agent on the surface. The precision mode accuracy can reach 0.01mm. Multiple blue line lasers, The scanning speed is fast. Import the three-dimensional data obtained by scanning into the inspection software, compare and analyze it with the original digital model, and quickly obtain the inspection report. This can greatly improve the efficiency of workpiece inspection, improve the control of product technology and quality, solve customer needs, and improve products. Competitiveness

Car seat STL data chart

Car seat STL data chart

Car seat STL data chart